One unwise man

As I write this I’m cruising at around 1000kmph. Before you question what tweaks we’ve made to Harrison I’ll also mention my altitude is around 12,000m and that I’m a couple of hours from Doha, Qatar, where I have a few hours wait before getting my next flight to South Korea. I’m flying Qatar airlines and, as I enjoy my complimentary wine, I’m reflecting back on the past 100 or so days.



The first thing to say is that, this was amazing. It’s probably the best single decision I’ve ever made in my life. The things I’ve seen, the people I’ve met, the excitement I’ve felt… Travelling, especially in a beat up old banger is a unique experience and, amazingly, surprisingly easy. Step 1) Buy car. Step 2) Drive. Seriously, that’s all there is to it. Everything else seems to work itself out. Of course, I was lucky enough to have two exceptional guys with me who undoubtedly made this what it was. So many people have asked if we annoyed each other, or fell out, or came to blows. But honestly, we really didn’t. It’s actually amazing considering how much concentrated time we’ve spent together. So, I’ll publicly say right now, Jon and Vard: thank you for agreeing to this idiotic idea, thank you for putting up with me and my many, repeated, attempts to annoy you both, but most of all thank you for being the best travelling companions I could have asked for. It’s been amazing, and without both of you this would never have happened, nor been anything like as much fun as it has been.


So, what’s next for me now? Work have generously allowed me a whole year off, of which I’m yet to use four months. So, for me, it’s onwards into the unknown. South Korea, Japan… Then either West or South. Or possibly East. Who knows. For the next 8 months I’m entirely free, I am able to do anything I want. My intention right now is to keep my personal blog up and running, I have no idea if I’ll manage it, but it’s my intention.

I’ll be honest as well. Right now I’m a little bit terrified. I know what I’ve already done is less common than the usual backpacking gap yarrh thing, but like most people, for me, the unknown is scary. To date, throughout my entire life, there’s always been a life line, a backup. Right now, I’m flying to a new continent alone and with no artillery biding it’s time in the wings I know I’m going to have to be entirely reliant on myself for the first time. It’s both scary and exhilarating at the same time.

Another question I’ve been asked numerous times is which my favourite country has been. For a large majority of this journey the answer has been “the country before the one I’m currently in”. Almost every country has, for a while at least, been my favourite. This, I think, is the dual effect of having a pretty awful memory of previously visited countries and new countries always taking a few days to get used to; missing the familiarity of the previous countries language, currency and customs has been very common. Even so, a few countries really stand out. Turkey, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Perhaps uncoincidencely these are also the countries I’ve spent the most time in, leading me to believe that almost anywhere, once you’re used to it, can invoke these feelings of excitement and joy the aforementioned countries have induced in me.

I’m not sure how to finish my final entry as one of the three unwise men. I’ll start by giving the best advice which was given to us. Say yes to everything, always take plenty of wet wipes and never, ever, put milk inside your car.

And my own personal addition; if you want to do travel, do it. It might seem terrifying, it might seem like career suicide, it might seem like you’re too old, or have too many responsibilities, but chances are it’s easier than you think. It’ll only get more difficult, so, if it is something you want to do try it. If I managed it, you can too.

Thank you all for reading, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about our adventures with Harrison and please follow me as I continue solo!

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